Frequently asked questions


What's your experience with daytrading?

My name is Emias. I am 21 years old and a full-time day trader. My journey starts all the way back from when I turned 18 and chose to drop out of school to go full-time into trading. I have always been inspired by the stock market and how it is to trade on itt. Trading has changed my life and I hope to change yours as well.

What if I know nothing about daytrading?

Don't worry! We'll share every move we make in the telegram group and write something like:

📝PRICE: 1900
🎯TARGET: 1905

Afterwards, we'll guide you through managing the trade and tell you when:

  • to move the stoploss to breakeven
  • when to close the trade
  • how to manage risk
  • more depending on the specific trade

How much can I make from daytrading?

We can't guarantee a specific account growth percent. But on our YouTube you can view our profit so far.

How do I join?

Free Telegram Group

To join the free telegram click here.

VIP Telegram Group

To join the VIP telegram group with more trades, pick a plan here, then follow the instructions on your order confirmation email.